What to Bring
Here are some things to think about bringing to a RallyCross event.
Required Items
- Valid drivers license (show to registrar)
- Checkbook or cash for entry fees if you haven't pre-paid
- Lunch if it is not provided at or with the race (check ahead)
- Most locations will have lunch available on site for extra cost
- Some locations are close enough to locations to drive for lunch at lunch break
- Magnetic or adhesive numbers & class letters
- Painters tape will be available to make numbers if you are unprepared
- At least 8" numbers and 4" class letters
- Multi driver cars must change numbers between runs
- Need numbers? Download and print them here.
- Helmet
- Must meet current safety requirements outlined in the SCCA RallyCross Rule Book (see rules page)
- Loaners are available if you don't have one or yours is out of date
- Appropriate clothing & personal gear
- Sunny & hot weather: sunglasses, hat, sunscreen, lightweight clothes
- Rainy weather: rain coat/suit, umbrella, waterproof shoes/boots, extra socks
- Cold weather: warm coat, hat, gloves, boots, overalls (helps to dress in layers)
- Enough fuel to race
Optional Items
- Appropriate rule books, documentation and service manuals for odd modifications
- Car related
- Tool box for onsite repairs
- Race tires on separate wheels
- Floor jack, torque wrench, and tools for changing tires
- Jack stands and supports so they don't sink into soft terrain
- Air tank
- Tire pressure gauge
- Motor oil, brake fluid, etc…
- Duct tape, clamps, zip ties
- Personal
- Pen and paper for notes
- Work gloves (helpful for changing tires, carrying cones, helping out)
- Tarp, EZ-up
- Water, food, cooler
- Rain-X or window cleaner
- Rags
- Folding chair or equivalent
- Camera (pictures or video)
- First Aid kit
- Trash bag for waste